
Title Modular Dispensing Valve
Author admin

Modular dispensing valve

Modular dispense valve line (Standard)

The dispense valve line "modular" (Standard) allows easy exchange of all wetted parts and provides a wide portfolio to

meet all demands of fluid dispensing.

The modular line uses ball seat as sealing mechanism. It takes merely seconds of down time to exchange worn parts.

Valve function is formed by valve actuator ("valve drive") and valve insert ("valve seat"). Accessories as fittings or tips

and more form the indivdual dispense module that will be electrically controlled and implemented to your needs.

Highest performance and precision in dispensing are achievable with this "modular" (Standard) product line. 

The "modular" valve is designed for dispensing all fluids like UV glue, heat cure glue, LED 2K fluids, volatile fluids and

many more.

marco’s modular design valve technology can provide most accurate, precise, constant, reliable performance and

competitive solutions.

This unique modular design provides low maintenance cost, no down-time and a wide coverage for fluids

Modular dispense valve line, marco article N.o.:

Valve drives (actuator):

Article N.o. Type indication Type comment Main aspect
mTV   marco Torque-Block® Valve  
mTV/dsm/a dsm drive single torque medium stroke fastest, medium force & stroke
mTV/dsm/h dsm drive single torque medium stroke high temperature version of mTV/dsm/a
mTV/dsl/a dsl drive single torque large stroke faster, medium force & large stroke
mTV/ddm/a ddm drive double torque medium stroke quick, high force & medium stroke
mTV/ddl/a ddl drive double torque large stroke quick, high force & large stroke
mTV/ddl/h ddl drive double torque large stroke high temperature version of mTV/ddl/a

Valve inserts :

Article N.o. Type indication Type comment Main aspect
mTV   marco Torque-Block® Valve  
mTV/vss/* vss valve seat steel steel valve insert, tbd. to your needs (orifice, surface...)
mTV/vsa/* vsa valve seat anaerobic plastic valve insert, tbd. to your needs
mTV/cr/* cr cartridge spare part for valve seat (ball needle spring)
mTV/tk/a tk toolkit set of tools for disassembly of valve inserts

Others :

Article N.o. Type indication Type comment Main aspect
mTV   marco Torque-Block® Valve  
mTV/hs/* hs heater set insulation for valve heater
mTV/cs/* cs cooling set heat shield for valves
mTV/fb/* fb fluid body fittings for fluid inlet
mTV/tip/* tip tip needles and adapters
mTV/cab/* cab cable bendable bendable cable to connect marco Torque-Block® valve to controller
mTV/cat/* cat cable twistable twistable cable to connect marco Torque-Block® valve to controller
mTV/tk/cla tk toolkit for cleaning utilities for cleaning dispensing equipment
mTV/tk/cl/ra tk toolkit for cleaning, refill refill for mTV/tk/cla
mTV/*/*   accessories like gaskets, Mounts, ...



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